Daily Devotion for November 6, 2020
I know it’s frustrating when you’re trying to figure out your purpose & it seems like everybody seem your potentials, but you. It feels like you’re wasting your time or maybe you don’t have one. WRONG! God NEVER made anything or anyone WITHOUT a purpose in mind. Don’t beat yourself up because you don’t know what your purpose is or feel like it’s “too late”. Examine the interest you have that you can’t shake & the problems you always try to solve. Start today by meditating on God’s Word, prayer (with fasting) & write down the things that God reveals to you. Don’t be afraid or intimidated if things get harder. That’s letting you know that satan wants to stop you from tapping into your God given purpose. Now that God woke you up & got you out of your bed, allow Him to help you to get your goals out of your head. #It AIN’T Too Late! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for November 5, 2020
Somebody needs this NOW!
When you’re overwhelmed with problems, satan will always make you feel like nobody cares or make you too embarrassed to ask for help thinking that folks are gonna talk about you (AGAIN)! He’ll pressure you to make impulsive decisions that you will eventually regret. Stop where you’re at & start praying! See, when you’re overwhelmed, satan will use your emotions to make you rely on your ability. But prayer will reroute you into your spirit to rely on God’s ability. Don’t rush to make decisions under pressure. Start everything with prayer (Wait for God’s response) & seek wisdom from upstanding (morally & ethically) folks. Know that you’re NO alone in your situation. We are here for you & WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS TOGETHER! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for November 4, 2020
Your biggest enemy is that person in YOUR MIRROR! See, you’ll help everybody else, but won’t do NOTHING for yourself, you always talking negative, & always bringing up your past. You’ll talk yourself out of anything good ever happening for you. How in the world you’re gonna be blessed when you always talking negative about yourself & putting yourself down? Listen, if you keep thinking you don’t deserve it, then you’ll never have it. Don’t let the devil trick your mind and make you miss what God has for you. Monitor who you allow in your ear. If it ain’t Godly & positive, cut them off. Don’t allow your mistakes, what folks said or did to you give you your worth. Jesus ALREADY established that on the Cross! Pick up God’s Word & read it to that person in your mirror! #Everything God Made, was Good & That Includes You! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for November 3, 2020
Luke 15:11-32, tells the story of the prodigal son. After he spent all he had, he looked at the situation & he came to himself (or changed his way of thinking). He realized that the situation that he was in did NOT fit who he was & went back to His father’s house. Regardless if someone put you in that situation or you put yourself in it, you as a child of God (a Believer of Jesus Christ) MUST come to yourself & say enough is ENOUGH! So many folks let the devil to beat them up & put up with foolishness in their lives. It’s time to learn who you are. Start by studying who you are & your spiritual birthright. Don’t waste another second drowning in your situation. Get up & go to your Heavenly Father now! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for November 2, 2020
WAIT A MINUTE! Don’t take that news! God still can! Remember, God got the FINAL say so! #Whose Report Will You Believe? Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for November 1, 2020
When God doesn’t do it, that doesn’t mean He can’t. It just means that there’s a better option! Remember, instead of questioning God ability, question your choices! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater