Before you ask “How can I get out of it?” ask yourself, “What can I get out of it?” If you never understand the lesson in your storm, you’ll go through it again! Find the KNOWLEDGE & let God help you to APPLY it. The KNOWLEDGE is your vaccine to help you fight against catching it again. Remember, you will either break the cycle or repeat the cycle. #Life‘s too short for a life full of reruns! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Night time Devotion for June 15, 2020
If you’re questioning your relationship, then you already got the answer! True love will speak for itself! # Stop being in denial, then you’re sleep better! Be blessed & goodnight! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for June 15, 2020
If you want to give in to the 90 day rule, make sure your wedding is on the 89th day. Don’t base your relationship on sex & missing out on TRUE LOVE. If sex is the only thing that keeps him, then you really don’t have him. You’re more valuable than being just a piece of meat or being a side piece! A man who really LOVES you will respect you, look at you through the lense of God & build you a home instead of playing house. Stop wasting your time or ignoring the truth! Remember, if a REAL man is what you’re hungry for, then stop feeding yourself REAL boy snacks! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for June 14, 2020
Most “spiritual” heartburns can be relieved by saying, “I’m sorry!” Don’t let pride cause you to miss out on your blessings. If you’re too big to say you were wrong, then you’re measured by a fool’s ruler. Own your mistakes or your mistakes will own you. The choice is yours! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for June 13, 2020
God didn’t give you eyes to overlook foolishness! When God makes you aware of people’s true character, TAKE HEED! You can’t say, “God doesn’t love you!” or “The devil is attacking you!” No! Those are the consequences of you not accepting the TRUTH! If you’re ready for people to stop playing games on you, then stop playing games with the one who’s in your mirror! #Stop being Somebody’s fool! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for June 12, 2020
Staying with your abuser will not mean that he won’t hurt you later. Stop blaming yourself for his problem & don’t make excuses for his behavior! It’s not your job to fix him or help him to change. SAVE YOURSELF! Let the Lord give you strength, as the LAW deals with him. Remember, your decisions not only affects you, but those who really love you! #A grieving brother who knows from experience! Be blessed by getting safe! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for June 11, 2020
Life is too short to deal with long term foolishness. If what you’re doing doesn’t promote you, your “friends” doesn’t inspire you, or the one you’re dating doesn’t respect you, then will you have anything to show for your accomplishments here on earth? Make your decision TODAY to fulfill the purpose that God has for you. Make peace with your past by moving forward TODAY! Remember, if your steps are ordered by God, anything or anybody outside of those steps, NEEDS TO KEEP ON STEPPING! #Everybody AIN’T your assignment! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Night time Devotion for June 10, 2020
I know it’s late, but…God is in control! Now, you can go to bed! #If God is up, then why you ain’t sleep? Be blessed & goodnight! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for June 10, 2020
Ladies & gentlemen!
Would you giveaway a key to your house to every person you meet? No? Because some folks you can tell that they having stealing tendencies & some folks are just plain untrustworthy. Well, if you won’t giveaway a key to your house, why do you giveaway a key to your heart? Isn’t your heart as valuable (or more) than your house. At least home insurance with replace a damaged home or stolen items from your home. You are overlooking the red flags & evidence that these jokers ain’t no good, but you give them a keep anyway! Stop trying to reform or rehabilitate thieves with your heart… THAT AIN’T YOUR JOB! Rely on God’s security system & stop hitting the off button with your emotions! #Move your heart from high risk areas & leave these sorry jokers alone! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for June 9, 2020
Somebody NEEDS to hear this!
When you walk in Faith, sometimes you walk on people’s toes. When you’re operating in GREAT Faith, not everybody will like you, BUT THAT AIN’T YOUR PROBLEM! Don’t allow limited minded people make you put a limit on an UNLIMITED God! Remember, the SAME Faith that move mountains, is the SAME Faith that needs to move PEOPLE from your path! Remember, SPEAK to that mountain & SPEAK to that person who’s blocking that mountain! #Be moved & keep on walking! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater