The moment you get fed up is the moment you need to be PRAYED UP! See, satan will use frustration as turbulence to distract you from your Navigator (God Almighty) or where He is taking you. As long as you stay on course, it’s God’s responsibility to help you make it to your destination. No longer be moved by your emotion when people agitate you, go on His He-motion & let God deal with them! Remember, no matter how loud folks “noises” are, GOD GOT THIS & HE GOT YOU! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for February 9, 2020
Why doubt what God can do when you haven’t given Him the chance to do it? Some problems you may still be dealing with maybe because you still have possession of it. Listen, you’ve never seen a doctor perform surgery in a waiting room. The doctor needs the atmosphere where they have EXCLUSIVE access of the patient to perform the procedure. If a doctor can have that kind of trust, SO CAN GOD. Release everything to God & stay in the waiting room. Remember, God doesn’t need your help, YOU NEED HIS! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for February 8, 2020
The more you lower your standards, the more you surround yourself with folks who are against you (& your purpose). Sure, it may make you good to have folks around you, but you MUST examine the quality of those who are with you. See, settling for less than what (or who) God has for you, will NEVER fulfill you & always make you feel like something’s missing or you need more. Knowing who you are in Christ will help you to TRUST Him to reveal the type of people who SUPPOSE to be in your circle or in your heart. So stop allowing folks to BREAK YOUR HEART or BRING YOU DOWN, when you NEED to RAISE YOUR STANDARDS to Channel HEAVEN! Regardless if it’s relationship, family or friendship, let God check everybody’s frequency & cancel every person’s subsciption He didn’t authorize. Remember, a snake only survives at a lower level. The closer you get to God, the more you see your enemies (& those who are NOT for you) disconnect from you! #Everybody Who Tries to be “WITH YOU” AIN’T Fit for You! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for February 7, 2020
Somebody needs to hear this!
Never let your situation make you think that God hates you or that he is punishing you. Listen, there are things that happens that’s just a part of life. Regardless if it’s sickness, rejection by friends or family, loss of job or death of a loved one, you can’t control everything that happens in your life. But inspite of it all, God promised to be with you…ALL THE WAY & won’t allow anymore upon you than you’re able to handle! No matter what you’re facing, always remember that you’re loved by God & He will carry you through! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for February 6, 2020
That individual problem you want to deal with by yourself, maybe that group problem God wants you to seek for help. See, NOT EVERYONE IS OUT TO HURT OR USE YOU! Sure, you have trust issues, because some people used you, left you, etc, but look at who they were. People will naturally show you who they REALLY are if you don’t rush the process. Sure, you were nice to them & you were there for them, but that does NOT mean that they will give that same courtesy back. Don’t let pride cause your heart to shut out REAL people who care for you during your time of need. Don’t look for the loudest one with the big audience. God may use that very loner who says so little to let their actions to say SO MUCH! #Don‘t Refuse Your HEAVEN-SENT Helper! #You are NOT Alone! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for February 5, 2020
If you won’t get up for your own dream, you’ll end up getting up for your nightmare… WORKING ALL YOUR LIFE AT SOMEBODY ELSE’S DREAM!You’re making somebody RICH! Why not it be YOU? Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for February 4, 2020
Don’t give up because things ain’t happening as fast as you want them to. Even though you’re giving & doing all the right things, you MUST remain CONSISTENT in what you’re doing! CONSISTENCY nourishes the root for a solid foundation. See, growth on the OUTSIDE is the result of growth from the INSIDE (from the roots)! Don’t allow the devil to plant the weeds of discouragement, doubts or fear into your garden. Let God exterminate, treat & fertilize you for MAXIMUM results. Remember, a tree won’t stay a seed if you continue to feed it! #DON‘T QUIT! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for February 3, 2020
Stop perusing REAL LOVE from FAKE PEOPLE! You’re expecting so much out of people you really don’t know, then you wonder why you always left heartbroken or disappointed. Regardless if it’s in dating, friendship, business, etc, ask God to reveal the true identity of a person & STOP ASSUMING they are who you want them to be. Remember, when you can acknowledge THE TRUTH, then God will protect your heart (and mind) from THE LIES! #Know Who You Suppose to Know! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater