Month: December 2019

Daily Devotion for December 16, 2019

Even Jesus was kissed by Judas before Judas betrayed Him. Don’t automatically give your trust to people because they applaud you or say good things about you. Ask God to help you discern (spirituality see) their motives to protect your heart from being hurt by their evil or selfish intentions. Remember, everybody with you may NOT be WITH YOU! #Know Your Enemies Within Your Audience! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 15, 2019

Just because God hadn’t done it doesn’t mean that God won’t do it! You feeling like giving up maybe the devil’s way of telling you that you’re closer to your BREAKTHROUGH than you realize. Don’t panic or worry about time or a deadline. When God shows up, it will be RIGHT ON TIME! Remember, God didn’t hang up the phone, He just got you on hold! #Don‘t Give Up, Let God Show Up! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 13, 2019

If a person is recovering from an illness or injury, they must be extra careful of who visits them & what they’re being exposed to, because the ill person’s immune system is low & they could easily get some type of infection that could make them sicker or kill them. That’s the same mindset you must have when you’re recovering from an emotional illness or injury to your heart. See, the things the affect your heart & emotions are spirits & satan is looking for an opportunity to infect you with spirits (or people) when you’re vulnerable. Have you ever been sad or upset about something, then someone (who meant well) tries to encourage you, but instead of making you feel better, they tick you off or make you feel worse? That’s because you were exposed to someone who had some issues that they had not recovered from (like anger, unforgiveness, etc). Go to God concerning what you’re dealing with & don’t rely on everybody to be around you either. Go to God & let Him deal with you Himself! #Shut In to COME OUT! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 12, 2019

If you want an UPDATE on your love life, UPDATE your mindset. Stop going into a relationship to HELP somebody be a “better” person. That’s not dating, that’s COUNSELING! Too many folks get their hearts broken or set themselves up to be used or disappointed because they get someone they try to build & mold for themselves. Listen! THAT AIN’T YOUR JOB, that’s God’s! Quit allowing your heart to be on some crazy “MISSION WORK”, saying you’re doing it for the Lord! Be real with yourself, it ain’t about God… it’s about YOU!! Trust God with your love life & don’t allow your biological clock or other people finding love to, cause you to have a panic attack. At the right time, as long as you’re in the place God told you to be at, everything will come together. Remember, God love you & has NOT forgotten about you, so don’t worry about it! #UPDATE TO DATE UP! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 11, 2019

Just like cleaning a glass before putting your beverage in, before you ask God for something, ask Him to help you be responsible for what you already have. See, some prayers are not answered because you may mismanage what you already have. God made you the steward (manager) of what you have & you’re closely being evaluated to see if He could TRUST you with it. Think about it, a business grows under good management & God wants you to handle where you’re at so you could be qualified for PROMOTION! But the PROMOTION is NOT just based upon your skills or knowledge, but also with your ATTITUDE! So, if you want a higher position at work, have you excelled in your current position? If you want more money, can you budget what you already have? If you’re praying for a relationship, have you managed your singleness? Remember, you must be FAITHFUL over a FEW things before God places you MANAGER over the MASSES. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 10, 2019

Trust God based upon your knowledge of Him, not of your problems! See, what you focus on more, study on more, talk about more, is the thing (or person) that has control or influence over your life. No longer praise your problems, start praising your problem Solver! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater