Month: August 2019

Daily Devotion for August 10, 2019

Don’t let your weakness make you weak. Let it become your boundary to keep you on the right track. Know & respect your limits or you will become your own weakness! Do more than getting your purpose, MAINTAIN IT! #Are you responsible enough to handle what God has planned for you? Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for August 9, 2019

Remember all those times you encouraged folks or you told them to trust God & He’ll work it out? Well, let those SAME WORDS you spoke to others, SPEAK TO YOU! See, when you’re going through a storm in your life, the devil will “try to” make you feel defeated, hopeless or that God left you. But, that SAME God you’re bragging to others, wants to brag on you! It’s not a coincidence that you’re facing what you helped others face. God ALREADY gave you the Words that will help you get through. You just have to USE IT & STAND ON IT! Remember, that SAME encouragement you serve to others, is preparing you because is on your menu to eat it too! #What you need is ALREADY IN YOU! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for August 8, 2019

Although death snatches our loved ones from us physically, death can NEVER snatch them from our hearts or remove their existence! Now when the memories flood your mind, if you want to shed a tear, DO IT. If you want to scream, DO IT. When you are grieving, LET IT OUT! You do more damage to yourself holding it in than letting it out. And don’t let nobody tell you that you should have gotten over it by now or that crying means that you’re weak or you’re lacking faith in God. LISTEN! If somebody smashed a hammer on your foot, would you remained silent? NO! You’ll probably yell, scream or “say something else”. Well, crying or scream is a way that your heart says, “OUCH or YOU MISS THEM! Even though the time with them was cut short & you wish that you could have told them how you feel, take comfort in knowing that what you gave them was more than enough to last throughout eternity! #The God of ALL Comfort! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for August 6, 2019

If God didn’t call you that, then why are you responding to that? Whatever name or words you answer to means that you accept that spirit associated with it. See, names define (or reveal) character & words breeds life into the atmosphere of the person who receives it. So, the next time someone calls you pimp, playa, female dog, the “N” word or any other name & you respond to it, what type of spirit are you picking up? Remember, you are what you eat but you become what you respond to! #God knows who you are, do you know? Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for August 5, 2019

Don’t fall in love with something or someone so deeply that you fall OUT OF LOVE with God! When things or people takes the place of God, you remove yourself out of the will of God. See, the things or people God sends to you will honor Him, draw you closer to Him & you will have the Peace of God. Examine your priorities in life. Are you worshipping God or things/ people. Remember, your blessings can’t be before the Blesser! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for August 4, 2019

I know this is a very frustrating time with violence, politics (poli-tricks), & even with (some) churches, but DON’T STOP PRAYING! The key thing that we MUST do is start putting some feet with our prayers & DO SOMETHING! For so long, we tell people that God will work it out (which is TRUE), but God uses PEOPLE to get the job done! Has God given us strength & abilities for us to sit & do NOTHING? NO! Now I know that there are some people who work their behinds off, but instead of them receiving help, there are people who will talk about them or sabotage their efforts. PEOPLE! THIS IS A CRUCIAL TIME FOR US NOW…. STOP THE FOOLISHNESS! Help turn this nation RIGHT SIDE UP by being PROACTIVE NOT REACTIVE OR INACTIVE! We need to work TOGETHER! If you don’t like my post & want to talk about me or my work… SO WHAT! YOU DON’T DEFINE MY WORTH! While I’m being about MY (SPIRITUAL) FATHER’S BUSINESS (GOD), your attacks are just exposing your (spiritual) father (satan). #BE REAL OR BE GONE! Be blessed & challenged! #brotherprater
Brother Prater