Month: July 2019

Daily Devotion for July 30, 2019

Have you ever been in the presence of someone & when they leave, you still smell their cologne or perfume? The next time you smell that fragrance, it’s going to remind you of the original person. If a person can leave a memory with you with their cologne or perfume, imagine the impression they can leave with their spirit. See, humans are more than physical beings, we are 1st SPIRITUAL BEINGS. You MUST be aware of the spirit of a person that you date, befriending or associate with. Think about this: When you allow a person into your inner circle, are they changing the atmosphere into something Godly or something wicked? Remember, the people you choose in your life not only influences you but they define your character & choices you make. As you examine the spirit of others, make sure you keep yourself in check! #What is Your Fragrance? Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 28, 2019

As you go to the altar to pray, pray for those who you CAN’T STAND, those who TICKS YOU OFF & those who are on your LAST GOOD NERVE. No need to worry about yourself because somebody maybe praying for you because they can’t STAND YOU, YOU may have TICKED THEM OFF or gotten on their LAST GOOD NERVE TOO! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 27, 2019

Mark 11:23, says speak to the mountain & it shall be moved. Nowhere did it say, “Push the mountain or climb the mountain!” It says, “SPEAK!” And you wonder why the mountains are still in your life? Because you’re doing the TOTAL OPPOSITION of what God told you! No longer listen to UNBIBLICIAL songs (like Lord! Don’t Move my Mountain but Give Me the Strength to Climb) or unwise advice from others who ain’t got nothing, when God told you EXACTLY what to do! Fast, pray & find EVERY Scripture on what God said about your situation & STAND ON HIS WORD! And don’t forget to KEEP NEGATIVE PEOPLE (FAKE FRIENDS) FROM DISTRACTING YOU. While you’re praying to speak to your mountain, they may be the ones building your mountains! #Speak to your Mountain & Against the Mountain Builders! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 26, 2019

Somebody needs to hear this!
You encourage everybody else, but you never encourage yourself (or you always say something negative). You make time for everybody else, but never do anything for yourself. Listen! Helping others does NOT mean that you deny YOURSELF! Don’t feel guilty or beat yourself up for doing something for YOU! Remember, an ocean can quench the thirst of many, but it still must be refilled by rain. As you allow God to rain through you for others, let Him pour rain on you FOR YOU! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater