Month: July 2019

Daily Devotion for July 25, 2019

Abundant BLESSINGS come from Abundant OBEDIENCE that deserves Abundant PRAISE! Trust God inspite of what your physical eyes see, then your FAITH will strengthen your spiritual eyes to RECEIVE! #OBEY, TRUST, RECEIVE, PRAISE, REPEAT! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 24, 2019

A biopsy is to remove a small sample of tissue from a living person to try to make a diagnosis. An autopsy is a full & thorough examination on a person but only after their death. Although a biopsy may or may not give you an accurate diagnosis, an autopsy will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know, but it will be too late. In life, you may see the symptoms of a person’s behavior (or attitude) & “try to” do a biopsy exam to see what they’re dealing with. BUT GOD can do a “living” autopsy to see the root of the problem & bring healing or deliverance to restore them to wholeness. Don’t stress yourself out in trying to fix people you’re not qualified to operate on. Give them to God & let Him deal with them! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 23, 2019

Only worry about the things that God CAN’T fix. Now that you know that God can fix EVERYTHING…. Why are you worried? Don’t allow impatience to make you grab the problem out of God’s hands & “try to” fix it yourself. As long as it’s in God’s possession, He got it under His control! #Nothing can over master THE MASTER!! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 22, 2019

May God remove the pains of your past, the doubts of today & the fear of your future! Walk with confidence in knowing that when your steps are ordered by the Lord, He will remind you that He didn’t bring you THIS FAR to leave you! #YOU GOT THIS! CLAIM IT! IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 21, 2019

Even if you are a church leader, in ministry or a Christian without a “title”, you STILL can have rough days where YOU NEED A WORD FROM GOD. SHOOTS! Responsibilities or life itself can wear you down. And LAWD forbid when people go to you with ALL THEIR problems, but when you reach out to them, they’re NOWHERE TO BE FOUND or they act SURPRISED that YOU NEED HELP! Today! I SAID, “TODAY!” DO NOT GO TO CHURCH & POUR OUT TO EVERYBODY ELSE & OMIT YOURSELF! The SAME God that you pray to for others, wants YOU to come to the altar for YOUR NEEDS, YOUR PROBLEMS & FOR YOUR FAMILY! Remember, that SAME God that you believe will work it out for others, want to work it out FOR YOU! Give it to Him & let Him recharge YOU! BE REVIVED IN JESUS’ NAME.. AMEN! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 20, 2019

It doesn’t matter who you have to “bless your house”, if the one living in the house is wicked, IT AIN’T gonna be bless! If you obey God, THAT WILL BLESS YOUR HOUSE! #God doesn’t bless mess! Your house will be a home when God is head of your house! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 19, 2019

Just because you go to a doctor doesn’t mean you don’t have faith. Just because you go to a psychiatrist doesn’t mean you ain’t Save. Just because you take medication doesn’t mean that you doubt that God can heal. Know that God will use various (& sometimes usual) methods to get the job done. Remember when Jesus used dirt & spit on the blind man? Imagine what the crowd was thinking when they saw Jesus spit in His’ hands & rubbed it on the guy’s face. YUCK!! BUT HEY… THE MAN GOT HEALED!!! Learn to take the limits off of God on how He’s going to bless you or who He’ll bless you through. Remember, if God can use a donkey to speak through, imagine how He will move for you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater