Daily Devotion for June 16, 2019 (Part 1)
The love I give to my son as his dad is because of the love my dad gave to his son…ME!! Fatherly love created by Our Heavenly Father to His’ sons! #3 Generations of Prater Men! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for June 16 2019 (Part 2)
Fathers! Remember, you are the cookie cutters, your sons are the dough. You shape them by the example you live. You are the pattern of what your sons should duplicate to become a man & what your daughters should look for in a husband. No matter what society says or how some folks talk bad about you… YOU ARE MORE IMPORTANT than you realize. Regardless if you can’t deal with your kids’ mother, BE THERE FOR YOUR KIDS (physically, emotionally, financially & spiritually)! Hold your kids with your hands & put their mothers in the Hands of God! The struggle may be real but GOD IS REALER! DON’T GIVE UP! #HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater