Daily Devotion for September 15, 2018

MEN! If you want a wife, go to God but if you want a punching bag, go to ACADEMY SPORTS. You can’t make your wife (or girlfriend) a punching bag. Men were built to PROTECT & DEFEND our women from FEAR, NOT lead them to fear! Regardless if it’s physical, mental or emotional, REAL MEN DON’T ABUSE OR PLAY GAMES! If your daughter married a man like you & he treated her EXACTLY how you treat women, what would you do? You MUST know that we influence our children’s identity & value about themselves (& others)! It’s sad that the behavior of a few weak boys ruin the image of ALL MALE! Regardless of the behavior or attitude that was from your father, grandfather or forefathers, IT’S TIME to pattern ourselves after our Heavenly Father! God wants to heal us from our hurts, brokenness & teach us how to be Real Men! Let’s take our families, apologize to them, show our sons how to be men, teach our daughters what TRUE love looks like & lead them in the way of God– with our WORDS & LIFESTYLE! It ain’t too late to be A MAN! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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