Daily Devotion for October 7, 2018

When you are going to church, don’t worry about what the other people are doing, what they are thinking or how they feeling about you. You are going to church for THE WORD & TO GIVE GOD PRAISE! Many times we allow the devil to steal our joy or we miss the answers to our prayers because we “worry about” why they looking at me, why they didn’t speak to me, I don’t want them to know I’m going through this, etc! You’re NOT at church for them, you’re there for HIM! LISTEN, what you focus on during church is what (or who) is receiving your worship! Give God permission to remove anything (or anybody) off your mind that could distract you from the Presence of God! Even if that distraction comes before you leave the house, STAY FOCUSED ON GOD! Watch God move in your life when you don’t respond to the distraction that was placed for you! #Stay save & stay sane by focusing on God & NOT PEOPLE! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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