Daily Devotion for October 19, 2018

Exodus 18:17 tells the story of Jethro telling Moses that the work he was doing (by himself) was too much for him to do alone. Moses may have had good intentions but he was not affective because he was trying to do everything by himself. The only way he could be affective was to accept help with the task. In life, you may be a leader or in charge of a task, it doesn’t make you a weak or incompetent person to accept or ask for help. Ask God to help you to examine yourself & the task you’re doing to see if you’re being effective or if you’re killing yourself (or the assignment). Even if you’re not hands on, as long as you make sure that the job is DONE…. THAT’S ALL THAT MATTERS! #Work Smart Not Hard! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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