Daily Devotion for November 20, 2020
Imagine living in a high crime area, would you go to bed with your front door open? No you wouldn’t. You would not only make sure the front door was closed, but make sure all the doors were locked, your alarm system was set & your guns were in reach just in case a sucka wants to start something. Well, if you would guard yourself at night physically, why you’re not guarding yourself at night spiritually? See, when you go to sleep with the t.v. on, satan has access to your soul (your thoughts, will & emotions) through the gates of your hearing. Satan knows exactly what he’s doing. That’s why he’ll play those sex theme commercials in the middle of the night, then when you wake up, you wonder why you’re lusting or thinking about an old lover. Although your physical body is sleep, in the spiritual realm, your soul is awake & is sensitive to the spirits that the t.v. or music that you’re vulnerable to in your sleep. Remove yourself from satan’s traps & guard yourself with the things of God. Soon, the chains lust, insecurities, soul ties, fear & everything else, will be broken… In Jesus’ Name, AMEN! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater