Daily Devotion for May 7, 2019

A cell phone company has a feature called Caller I.D.. It will show you the name & number of my incoming & outgoing calls. The Caller I.D. also has a feature that will identify the spam & telemarketing calls. Even though the phone company is responsible for showing the identity of the incoming & outgoing calls, it’s YOUR responsibility to choose to receive the calls. In life, God will reveal to you the identity of the callers in your life, but you have to STOP refusing to accept what He is showing you on the “Spiritual” Caller I.D. There are some slick people who may try to hide who they really are from you, but they they can’t hide who they are from God. No matter how you may not want to accept what God is showing, you can’t change who they are. Even God Himself doesn’t make someone change. It’s up to the caller, NOT YOU IF they want to change. Stop being impatient & WAIT for God to send the RIGHT caller for you to answer. Remember, if the caller wants to rush you to answer the phone or hang up before you look at the Caller I.D., then that caller was NOT FOR YOU! #Jesus Got the Right Caller on the Main Line! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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