Daily Devotion for May 16, 2019

Somebody needs to hear this:
Before you walk away from your marriage… Listen! You said your man ain’t abusing you, ain’t cheating on you, ain’t disrespecting you, didn’t steal from you, but all he does is showers you with love & affection, pay the bills, takes care of your kids, while your children’s father does absolutely NOTHING! So, what’s the problem? Ohhh! The problem AIN’T him, the problem is YOU! See, you’re listening to those crazy lonely women who are in a miserable relationship or no relationship at all! Just because they man ain’t no good, doesn’t mean YOUR MAN AIN’T NO GOOD! The women you’re getting your advice from or who are telling you to leave your man, are the same ones that are praying for a man like YOURS. If you had to deal with someone like yourself, you’d go crazy. But your man deals with all your foolishness & attitude but STILL wants to be with you. Gurl, WAKE UP & SMELL THE BURNT COFFEE! You know you got a good man! If you’d direct your focus to fight for your marriage instead of fighting against it, then your marriage really would be something awesome. If everything I’m telling you ain’t changing your mind, then please HURRY UP & LEAVE HIM NOW! That way he could be with a REAL woman who would love him, appreciate him & truly make him happy! Shoots! Maybe you were the reason why the blessings were being held back from the marriage. Free he so he can receive ALL God has for him with SOMEONE ELSE! #If You Stop Looking at Other People’s Grass & Water Yours, Then God Can Make Your Grass Greener Too! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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