Daily Devotion for June 26, 2019
I feel in my spirit to tell you:
The thing that you’re fearing, is the thing that God wants you to do! See, God is leading you into your purpose (or calling), but the devil is bring anxiety, insecurities about yourself, doubts about abilities (limitations), or worries about how you’re going to get it done. Listen, God had ALREADY equipped you for it! That’s why you keep dreaming about it & think about it all the time. It seems like you can’t avoid it. It’s giving you something to really look forward to! This is the time you have put ALL YOUR obedience & trust in God. Don’t let anything or anybody talk you out of what God put in you!Many people may not understand you or what you’re doing, but God chose YOU, NOT Y’ALL! Remember, your purpose is about to meet your REALITY! It’s ALREADY done in heaven, NOW receive it here on earth! #Walk in Faith, NOT IN FEAR! (I’m just reminding you what God already told you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater