Daily Devotion for June 10, 2020

Ladies & gentlemen!
Would you giveaway a key to your house to every person you meet? No? Because some folks you can tell that they having stealing tendencies & some folks are just plain untrustworthy. Well, if you won’t giveaway a key to your house, why do you giveaway a key to your heart? Isn’t your heart as valuable (or more) than your house. At least home insurance with replace a damaged home or stolen items from your home. You are overlooking the red flags & evidence that these jokers ain’t no good, but you give them a keep anyway! Stop trying to reform or rehabilitate thieves with your heart… THAT AIN’T YOUR JOB! Rely on God’s security system & stop hitting the off button with your emotions! #Move your heart from high risk areas & leave these sorry jokers alone! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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