Daily Devotion for January 14, 2019

It’s frustrating when you’re doing the right things & (it seems like) nothing good happens, while other people are living ungodly, doing all kinds of crazy underhanded evil stuff (& it seems like) EVERYTHING ALWAYS WORK OUT GOOD FOR THEM! In Psalm 73:2, David said, “My foot ALMOST slipped when he saw the wicked prosper!” Know that satan will bring discouragement to make you go back to your past or make you do something outside of your character right when help (or your blessings) are close to you. As bad as you make want to… DON’T TAKE MATTERS INTO YOUR OWN HANDS & DON’T STOP DOING THE RIGHT THING! Doing good & doing the RIGHT thing ALWAYS pay off in the eyes of God & man! It will reveal your TRUE character & its giving God the responsibility to work out EVERYTHING for you! Know that God will NOT let your waiting be a waste! Keep doing the RIGHT (Godly) thing & watch God move (when you least expect it! #DON’T GET DISTRACTED!Stay focused on God, not others! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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