Daily Devotion for December 6, 2018

Imagine owning a beautiful Italian glass vase valued at $1 million. Your 3 year old son, who loves drums, put up anything to use as drumsticks to beat on the glass vase. How would you feel? You would have to explain to your son that the vase is NOT a drum & should NOT be beat on. He has to understand the purpose, the value & identity of that Italian vase. In life, when you’re disobedience to God, you’re robbing yourself of your true identity. Like the 3 year old beating on the vase, satan wants to blind you of your identity, so you won’t know your purpose or worth. Know that you’re more valuable than who you are or what you’re being used for. Trust & obey God for everything in or for your life. Allow Him to be Lord in your life. He love you & has your best interests in His heart! Remember, life’s fulfillment can ONLY come in obedience to God! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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