Daily Devotion for December 14, 2023
Do you feel torn between sharing your story or keeping your mouth shut? Well… SHARE IT! The devil wants you to be ashamed or embarrassed of it & wants to discourage you from talking about it. Know that talking about it will not only help others, but it will help you. See, sharing your story will be a part of your healing process or recovery. Revelation 12:11, tells us that we overcome by the Blood of the Lamb & the words of our testimony! Don’t minimize what may come out of your mouth. There is power that God wants to release out of your own mouth. Your story may be that very testimony that breaks the stronghold or chains off of your life or someone else’s. Don’t remain silent anymore. Allow the power of God to give you the courage to share your story with those that He sends in your path. Remember, what you went through doesn’t mean that it’s still you. #You’re HEALED; You’re DELIVERED; You’re FREE! In Jesus’ Name, Amen! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater