Daily Devotion for August 8, 2019
Although death snatches our loved ones from us physically, death can NEVER snatch them from our hearts or remove their existence! Now when the memories flood your mind, if you want to shed a tear, DO IT. If you want to scream, DO IT. When you are grieving, LET IT OUT! You do more damage to yourself holding it in than letting it out. And don’t let nobody tell you that you should have gotten over it by now or that crying means that you’re weak or you’re lacking faith in God. LISTEN! If somebody smashed a hammer on your foot, would you remained silent? NO! You’ll probably yell, scream or “say something else”. Well, crying or scream is a way that your heart says, “OUCH or YOU MISS THEM! Even though the time with them was cut short & you wish that you could have told them how you feel, take comfort in knowing that what you gave them was more than enough to last throughout eternity! #The God of ALL Comfort! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater