Daily Devotion for August 4, 2019

I know this is a very frustrating time with violence, politics (poli-tricks), & even with (some) churches, but DON’T STOP PRAYING! The key thing that we MUST do is start putting some feet with our prayers & DO SOMETHING! For so long, we tell people that God will work it out (which is TRUE), but God uses PEOPLE to get the job done! Has God given us strength & abilities for us to sit & do NOTHING? NO! Now I know that there are some people who work their behinds off, but instead of them receiving help, there are people who will talk about them or sabotage their efforts. PEOPLE! THIS IS A CRUCIAL TIME FOR US NOW…. STOP THE FOOLISHNESS! Help turn this nation RIGHT SIDE UP by being PROACTIVE NOT REACTIVE OR INACTIVE! We need to work TOGETHER! If you don’t like my post & want to talk about me or my work… SO WHAT! YOU DON’T DEFINE MY WORTH! While I’m being about MY (SPIRITUAL) FATHER’S BUSINESS (GOD), your attacks are just exposing your (spiritual) father (satan). #BE REAL OR BE GONE! Be blessed & challenged! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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