Daily Devotion for August 17, 2018

If a person tried to break into your property to harm you (or your family), would you defend yourself (or your family’s honor) at ALL COST? Well, if you would fight for you or your family’s honor in the NATURAL, what about the in SPIRIT? The devil has been beating up on folks, taking their joy, taking their belongings & they’ll just say, “Well, that’s just a part of life!” NO IT’S NOT! It’s time to know your rights, arm yourself & FIGHT THAT DEVIL! Stop living in fear & letting the devil trespass & run you from your property! Equip yourself with the Word of God & GET BACK WHAT’S RIGHTFULLY YOURS! Remember! You are to DEFEND yourself to DEFEAT the devil. Not be defeated by the devil! #Victory is through Jesus Christ, our LORD! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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