Daily Devotion for April 10, 2019

In order to have the best abs possible, you MUST exercise your BACK! When you focus on including BACK exercises, you strengthen your back, you develop your core (foundation), your endurance & overall appearance. Also you’ll develop muscle in your abs that you would have missed if you had only focused on front abs. You may be wondering why “The Abs of Your Life” are not looking as good as it should be, even after all the hard work you’ve done. It’s time to examine your back (support). You were not made to handle things alone. Delegate your responsibilities & workload to your back muscles called (trusted) family & friends who love you, ready to help & who has your best interests in their heart. Know that God lined up your life while you were in your mother’s womb. No matter what your enemies do or what life brings, Jesus gave you victory to overcome it all. No longer think that you’re an island or you’re by yourself. Remember, a diamond shines best when it has the right background on its back! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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