Daily Devotion for October 9, 2019

One of satan’s tricks he will use before you receive your blessings is to bring confusion within your family, your friendships, your job or your church. See, the devil wants to distract your focus, then move you into an atmosphere of conflict or chaos. That’s where hurt or offense turns into unforgiveness, bitterness then hatred. If satan could blind you from your path, then he can DIVIDE, CONQUER & SABOTAGE you from the path God has for you!Listen! He will use people that he knows he could get a reaction out of you with. But see, it’s NOT really them, but satan sees an opportunity to make you all fall apart or take it out on each other! Maybe there was some miscommunication, maybe the conversation was in bad timing, maybe there was no clarity. Don’t interpret miscommunication with confusion. Pray about it, talk about it, seek peace & understand…Why the devil is bringing all this NOW… To make you miss what God is ABOUT TO DO! #All of this Ain’t Happening for Now! Stay Focus! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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