Daily Devotion for October 1, 2019
Today starts the first day of the last “trimester” of 2019. For some folks, 2019 has been very good, no problems, pretty easy pregnancy. BUT for other folks (like myself), 2019 has experienced some tragic pains, morning sicknesses, blood, sweat & A WHOLE LOT OF TEARS! Inspite of it all, we made it THIS FAR! The devil tried to make us abort this pregnancy & brought attacks to kill it, BUT GOD STEPPED IN & RESCUED US EVERYTIME! Today, I want you to REMEMBER ALL the things that God promised you for 2019.. DO NOT GIVE UP! I know it was hard, BUT you WILL go full term & birth what God promised you! The devil knows the blessings that’s coming from you! That’s why your attacks were so hard! HOLD ON TO GOD LIKE NEVER BEFORE! He is faithful to His Promises! Know that God never gave a conception without planning a due date! Remember, when times are hard, lean on Him & SOON… YOU’LL BE HOLDING YOUR BUNDLE OF JOY! #Your Due Date is Near! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater