Daily Devotion for July 12, 2019

Somebody needs to hear this:
Just because you didn’t get what you prayed for doesn’t mean your prayers were not answered! You prayed for things at a specific time & when it doesn’t come right then & there, you felt like God didn’t answer you, God didn’t hear your prayers or He said, “No!” Listen! One of the biggest traps the devil will discourage you with is IMPATIENCE! IMPATIENCE will cause you to rush (or have an anxiety), take matters into your own hands & make things worse. This is the time that you have to remind yourself of all the times God came to your rescue, even at the last minute. Has He failed you before? No! What makes you think He’ll fail now? Stop looking at yourself through your circumstances & start looking at yourself through your Redeemer! Remember, if God can be patient with you, He could be also teaching you how to be patient! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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