Daily Devotion for May 30, 2019

Just because you’re with someone to fill your physical or sexual void does NOT mean they will fulfill your emotional or spiritual void! Listen! You’re choosing to date a different person but it’s the same character you’re getting! It’s time to STOP looking at other people & START looking at YOURSELF! The decisions you make in life may have short term satisfaction but it comes with LONG TERM CONSEQUENCES! Love must NOT be taken lightly. Know that God already has your life planned out. As much as He has what’s best for you, the devil wants to link you up with those that’s worse for you (or bring the worse out of you). Allow God to change your perspective by 1st, trusting God & learning who you are in God! Your love & body is NOT a tool to use to change or manipulate someone to make them love you or stay with you. Your body is the temple of God. Know that God has the right person, at the right time that loves you & will treat you in a Godly, honorable way! So, be careful in who you date or entertain. Remember, who they are is more than who you see, but who they worship! #GOD LOVE will create SELF LOVE that will attract REAL LOVE!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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