Daily Devotion for April 11, 2019

When life gives you LEMONS, return it & say, “THIS AIN’T WHAT GOD HAS FOR ME!” So often we settle for whatever happens to us. The devil beats us up, attacks our minds or break up our families & we just accept it? THAT devil IS A LIE! It’s time to find out what God’s Will is for our lives. To know God’s Will, you MUST learn God’s Word! God’s Word is NOT just for the pastor or preacher, it’s for ALL OF HIS CHILDREN! No longer accept what the devil or what people want to give you. Jesus changed the MENU & PAID for your order by what He did on the Cross! He has an abundant life for you far beyond what you’re receiving from others. Thank the Lord for what He has for you! A BETTER quality of LIFE for you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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