Daily Devotion for March 2, 2019
To my follow Pastors, Bishops, Apostles & other ministries within the church:
Your GREATEST sermon is NOT behind the pulpit, but it’s how you live your LIFE! You must stop allowing your private life to become a public disgrace! Some ministers have taken advantage of people’s trust & respect for granted & used their title & position to manipulated people for their own selfish desires. LISTEN! GOD IS NOT PLEASED! Not only you’re a bad representation of all ministers, but when people find out that you lied or used them, they lose confidence in you, in the church & (some) even in God & He will hold you responsible with their blood being on your hands! There are a lot of hurting & unsaved people who need salvation, help or need to be ministered to! They have trusted that you will represent God & use His Word to point them to Him, NOT YOU! So, don’t let your title make you think that you are entitled to use or look down on people or that you’re untouchable! REMEMBER! What’s done in the dark is ALWAYS revealed in His Light! #ALTAR CALL AT THE PULPIT! #LET BE ABOUT OUR FATHER’S BUSINESS!! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater