Daily Devotion for February 26, 2019

THIS MAY NOT BE FOR EVERYBODY, BUT THIS IS FOR SOMEBODY! LADIES! When you & your man are in a disagreement, never take his silence as being a weak man. His silence may be WISDOM to wait until the appropriate time to talk about things. See, a WISE man will CONSULT God about that issue & WAIT for Him to respond back! God will let him know that saying the right thing even in the right tone won’t be recieved if it ain’t in the right timing! As long as you’re still angry, the devil will use your emotions to make you misinterpret what he says to make things worse. So, no need to belittle him or disrespect him because that man you may be putting down, maybe the one God told him to SHUT UP & BE PATIENT until you CALM DOWN! #If your man taking too long to respond, don’t take it up with him. TAKE IT UP WITH GOD! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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