Daily Devotion for February 12, 2019
You as a Christian MUST speak up for yourself & STOP being MANIPULATED or PUSHED OVER by people who means you NO GOOD! As long as you are doing what folks want you to do, everything is alright. But as sooooon as you tell them, “NO!’ then that’s when they say, “Oh! You suppose to be a Christian!” & they’ll throw some Scripture (OUT OF CONTEXT) to make think that it was from God or to make you feel guilty. LISTEN! STOP LETTING PEOPLE TAKE YOUR KINDNESS OR YOUR CHRISTIANITY FOR WEAKNESS! You need to make people responsible for their OWN actions or consequences of their choices! There are people that will take your LAST dime even bring you down with them with NO regard to YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITIES, YOUR FEELINGS NOR YOUR HEALTH just for their own personal agenda! Be prayer & evaluate those people you “try to help” or those you call your FRIENDS, those in your FAMILY & even those in CHURCH. If they stop dealing with you because you stop doing for them or you told them “NO!”, then they showed you who they REALLY were. Remember, if you want people to stop using you or walk over you, let them to walk AWAY from you! #Put Some RESPECT Back In Your Own Name! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater