Daily Devotion for January 29, 2019

Years ago, when I was car shopping, I said I wanted to buy my favorite car (a Dodge Daytona). One day, I finally found one in the newspaper for $2,000. I called the car dealer & he told me that since I didn’t have all the money, I had to put down half the price for him to hold it for me for a few days. I was so excited, I called my father to tell him that I found the car of my dreams. He asked me a lot of questions about the car, who was selling it & their phone number. After I hung up the phone with my father, I immediately went to give the car dealer my money. A few days later, I saved up enough money to get that car. I asked someone to drop me off at the dealership to get the car. After I picked up the car, I went straight to my father’s house to show him my car. He asked me how much I paid for the car. When I told him $2,000, he almost fainted. He told me that when I 1st told him about the car, he called the dealer himself & talked him down to $1,500. After he spoke to the car salesman, he tried to call me back several times but I didn’t return any of his calls! In life, when our Heavenly Father ask you what you want, know that He is asking you so He could get it for you. When you don’t communicate with The Father & allow impatience to get you, you spend more money, more time & more energy that He had NOT plan for you! Trust that you are in Daddy’s care & when He ask you about your heart’s desire, DON’T GET IT YOURSELF… LET HIM GET IT FOR YOU!! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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