Daily Devotion for August 13, 2023

Forgiveness is more than what “THEY” did to you, but what you can do to yourself! You can prevent them from controlling your life; You can prevent yourself from sabotaging your outlook on life, people or yourself; You can prevent them from defining you; You can prevent hate or bitterness to contaminate your spirit. Now, forgiveness does NOT mean you agree with what they did, you have to trust them again or allow them to use you or hurt you again. NO! Forgiveness is NOT allowing them nor their actions to change you, your purpose or your identity. Not only does God have the power to help you with forgiveness, but help you to continue the path of healing & restoring you as if it never happened. Don’t try to do it under your own ability, when our Heavenly Father is telling you to… “COME TO HIM!!!! #Hope inspite of Hurt! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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