Daily Devotion for November 4, 2020

Your biggest enemy is that person in YOUR MIRROR! See, you’ll help everybody else, but won’t do NOTHING for yourself, you always talking negative, & always bringing up your past. You’ll talk yourself out of anything good ever happening for you. How in the world you’re gonna be blessed when you always talking negative about yourself & putting yourself down? Listen, if you keep thinking you don’t deserve it, then you’ll never have it. Don’t let the devil trick your mind and make you miss what God has for you. Monitor who you allow in your ear. If it ain’t Godly & positive, cut them off. Don’t allow your mistakes, what folks said or did to you give you your worth. Jesus ALREADY established that on the Cross! Pick up God’s Word & read it to that person in your mirror! #Everything God Made, was Good & That Includes You! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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