Month: January 2025

Daily Devotion for Friday January 31, 2025

In order to get where you’re going, you got to acknowledge where you’re at. See, confessing your problem or struggle is not something to be ashamed of. It’s letting God know where you’re at & you’re ready to receive the help you need. Don’t worry about being embarrassed or what folks may think. Prove it to yourself that you can do it. Remember, regardless of how many times you’ve failed or what your struggles are, God can clean up what you’d messed up! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for Wednesday January 29, 2025

Somebody needs to hear this!
The toughest battle is battling a battle that’s NOT yours! Stop wasting time & energy when God wants you to give it to Him or delegate that responsible to the folks who created their problem. Get you back by standing your ground, stop letting folks take you for granted & let them handle their own problems. It’s unfair for you to always sacrifice for them while they have the time & money to do what they want to do, but expect you to always come to their rescue. Remember, when folks make their beds, it’s not your responsibility to remake it or lie in it for them! #Grind your business by minding your own business! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for Tuesday January 28, 2025

The further you move from a landmark, the smaller the landmark gets. If you can move on from the landmark of your pain, the smaller the pain is. Let Jesus drive you from where you were & lead you to where you need to be. Remember, you’re not alone in this. Let Jesus take the wheel! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater