Although folks are looking forward to the eclipse, don’t allow your life to turn dark. Anything or anybody that will block you from The Son, you don’t need! Remember, Jesus is the Source of Life & Light! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for April 7, 2024
Light a flashlight in the dark. Faith is displayed in the darkest times. Know that God won’t allow your batteries go out. Stay charged in Christ Jesus & He will see & carry you through! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for April 6, 2024
Sometimes silence doesn’t mean you ain’t got nothing to say. It means you have something to do. Don’t allow arguments to distract you from focusing or working on your purpose. No one is responsible for your assignments but you. See, when you realize your purpose or close to completing an assignment, satan will use folks close to you for you to close the door of moving forward in your purpose. Listen! You don’t have time to waste or wait for folks to grow up. Sometimes life requires you to leave folks where they’re at, if they don’t have the emotional maturity where you’re at or where you’re headed. Let God give you the strength & encouragement to handle life’s disappointments. Remember, just because you’re hurt, disappointed, or abandoned doesn’t mean you hurt, disappoint, or abandon your purpose or assignment. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for April 5, 2024
Remember, your blessings are coming from up above, so STOP looking down! May your Faith override your feelings! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for April 4, 2024
Somebody needs to hear this!
Fear not! You have no need to fear or worry. Don’t let satan bring fear, doubt, or insecurities. God had already groomed you for this moment. See, you’ve done the work & have prepared yourself for this moment & now it’s here. Go in the strength & confidence of God Almighty. Let Him order your steps & speak through you. You’ve prayed for this moment & now it’s here. Remember, God wouldn’t have opened the opportunity if He thought you couldn’t do it! #He didn’t bring you this far to leave you! #You got this! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for April 3, 2024
Somebody needs to hear this!
If you buy a dog, no matter how you pray, want or beg, you can’t change that dog into a horse. If you want a horse, you have to 1st know what a horse is, its characteristics & have what you need to be able to care for the horse, then you go get a horse. In life, some folks get people in their life to “try to” change them to be who they think they want. You must understand that only God can change someone IF they want to be change. Also, if you go into a relationship with them mindset to “try to” change them, that’s NOT love, that’s manipulation (which is a form a witchcraft). Allow God to prepare you for love & led Him reveal someone who is already prepared to give you the love that you’re desire. Remember, your prayers will change you & your decisions in how you view & pick the love of your life. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater