Month: December 2023

Daily Devotion for December 18, 2023

No matter how much you pour into a person, you can’t make them thirsty or drink what you gave them. You ain’t responsible for grown folks (or folks who want to be grown). Ask God to help you to recognize & accept when they have placed an UNWELCOME mat at their door. Don’t feel guilty or responsible because of how (some) grown folks act or don’t appreciate your help. Listen! As long as you did your part, you did it to help them & you did it from the bottom of your heart.. That’s all you can do. Remember, sometimes it take your absence for them to seek God’s presence. #Stop trying to change what only God can change. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 17, 2023

Don’t confuse the opportunity for worshipping with the opportunity for worrying! Put it (or them) into God’s hands as you keep your hands lifted! Remember, your worship is your weapon in overcoming this. In Jesus’ Name, Amen! #Hallelujah! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 16, 2023

You don’t have to wait for the New Year to have a New You! It’s doesn’t take God long to move. God can move in an instant. Don’t block Him from making a change in you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 15, 2023

If you’re wondering if you should do what God is telling you to do or not, think about this….. Which is harder doing what God told you or dealing with the consequences of NOT doing it? Remember, God knows way more than you. So, stop procrastinating, fix your attitude & do what God told you! #There’s a blessing in obedience to God! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 14, 2023

Do you feel torn between sharing your story or keeping your mouth shut? Well… SHARE IT! The devil wants you to be ashamed or embarrassed of it & wants to discourage you from talking about it. Know that talking about it will not only help others, but it will help you. See, sharing your story will be a part of your healing process or recovery. Revelation 12:11, tells us that we overcome by the Blood of the Lamb & the words of our testimony! Don’t minimize what may come out of your mouth. There is power that God wants to release out of your own mouth. Your story may be that very testimony that breaks the stronghold or chains off of your life or someone else’s. Don’t remain silent anymore. Allow the power of God to give you the courage to share your story with those that He sends in your path. Remember, what you went through doesn’t mean that it’s still you. #You’re HEALED; You’re DELIVERED; You’re FREE! In Jesus’ Name, Amen! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater 

Daily Devotion for December 13, 2023

As I was cooking breakfast this morning, I grabbed 3 biscuits out of the freezer. I placed them on a pan, put huge spaces in between them, turn the oven on to 450° & placed them into the oven. As the biscuits were baking, I looked at them & saw that the biscuits were rising & were connected together. I turned the oven off & took the biscuits out of the oven. Because of the ingredient in the dough, the heat from the oven caused the biscuits to rise & connect together. When life gets heated & it appears dark, as long as Jesus is your ingredient, He will draw you all closer together like never before. Make sure you choose to do life with those who are made with the same dough as you. If Jesus ain’t in it, nothing will draw or keep you all together. Remember, Jesus was invited to a wedding, now invite Him into your marriage. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater