Somewhere outside of your circle, somebody’s praying for you. Never overlook a stranger or someone you don’t often talk to for granted. God may be using them to answer your prayers. #Heaven sent helpers in disguised! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 23, 2023
No matter how financially invested you are in a business, if it continues to lose money & your financial advisers advised you to part ways with the company, you’ll leave before you lose everything. Well, if you’ll listen to financial experts concerning your finances, listen to THE EXPERT concerning your relationship! God is NOT showing you the red flags for nothing. He knows you & your heart & has your best interest in mind. Don’t wait until you lose everything until you realize you should have taken the severance package. Remember, the relationship God desires for you doesn’t include pain, abuse, or manipulation! #Check with investor before you commit! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 22, 2023
Somebody needs to hear this!
You’re more important than you realize! Never underestimate your words, presence, or influence you have in folks’ lives. Remember, you may be that one who God uses to reach who feels unreachable or love who feels unlovable! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 21, 2023
Broken dreams don’t have to lead to broken lives. God can repair, restore, or replace any brokenness in your life. Don’t worry about what it is or how long you’ve dealt with it. Remember, stop trying to handle it alone. Go to God with it because He cares! #He’s waiting on you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 19, 2023
Imagine signing up to work another person’s shift, but when payday comes… YOU DON’T GET PAID! You did the work, but they get the wage. (AWW HECK NAW!) When you go to the supervisors to tell them the problem, you find out that when you signed up, the agreement was invalid because it was not authorized by the higher ups! You did all that work for nothing. That’s the same thing that happens when we take on other people’s problems. Stop co-signing or making yourself responsible for other folks’ stuff when God didn’t authorize you to do it. Always consult God before you sign up or endorse anyone. Remember, you cleaning someone else’s mess will always keep you dirty & prevent them from learning how to clean up for themselves. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater