Month: November 2023

Daily Devotion for November 4, 2023

May God heal your broken heart & heal your confused mind. One day (soon), you’ll see that God loves you & you’re more important than you realize. Now, love yourself the way you loved that one who didn’t love you & you’ll see that you’re worth love for yourself. #When you meets YOU, you’ll realize how awesome you are! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for November 3, 2023

Somebody needs to hear this!
Inspite of how things look, God is STILL able! Inspite of who abandoned you, God is STILL faithful!
Inspite of who hurt you, God is STILL a Healer!
Inspite of who doesn’t care about you, God cares & loves you!
No longer view your life through the lens or opinion of others & view it through the lens of God. Remember, don’t lose hope when the HELPER is right there with you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for November 2, 2023

Don’t let your disappointments make you miss God’s appointment for you. Stay focused & listen to God’s guide, then you’ll realize what or who the devil was trying to make you miss! #Your purpose will outshine your pain! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for November 1, 2023

No matter how hard the storms of life hit your ship, as long as you have a relationSHIP with Jesus, your ship will NOT sink! Stay in the ship & Jesus will carry you safely to shore! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater