Month: July 2023

Daily Devotion for July 21, 2023

Did you know that no one sees Clark Kent take off his glasses & no one sees Superman put on his glasses? Even when Superman was on the scene, when the problem was solved, he immediately left (Well, actually sneaked away). That was done to prevent anyone from knowing their true identity (even though they were the same person). That’s the same principle that you should apply for yourself. See, you can’t share everything about yourself with everybody. There must be boundaries set to protect your identity, your gift, your peace & your anointing. Even in placing boundaries, there should be boundaries for your boundaries. General admission audiences shouldn’t get the same privileges as season pass holders. Season pass holder are dependable, loyal supporters & have already made their investments & commitment before opening season. Stop giving temporary people permanent passes to your heart. Remember to learn from your past choices, thank God for His Grace & listen to Him, not your emotions! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 20, 2023

Sometimes the person you miss the most is that person you used to see in your mirror! Hurt, drama, trauma or any toxic relationships can change you from who are or the path God has for you. Don’t let anyone pull you away from your faith, family (healthy) friends or yourself! Remember, you need you too! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 19, 2023

No matter if you’re tougher than a 50 cent steak from Dollar Tree or harder than Superman’s kneecap, never be too prideful or let your position prevent you from saying, “I’m sorry!” Remember, the power of an apology can deflate the balloon of anger or hurt. #Anybody can eat humble pie! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 18, 2023

Never allow anyone to determine your destiny or condemn you of your situation. Listen! If they ain’t praying for you or trying to help you, you don’t have to listen to them. You can easily miss hearing from God because you’re too busy listening to jealous or bitter folks. Know that God’s salvation, forgiveness & grace are extended to all who wants it (regardless of who they are). No one has the right to look down upon you or talk about anyone. You go to God for yourself, ask Him to cleanse you & walk in obedience to the path that He told you. Don’t let anybody make you feel like God loves them more than you or they have never made a mistake. God can save & deliver anyone who seeks Him. Remember, don’t focus on the folks who pointing their fingers at you, when Jesus is opening His arms to you! #If they can’t help you, don’t let them hurt you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 17, 2023

The hardest pill to swallow is the pill of truth in a love full of lies. Let Jesus help you to see reality & people for who they really are. Remember, He is the Living Water that will help the truth He reveals to be digested. #No matter what God reveals, He’s the one who can heal! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater