Month: July 2023

Daily Devotion for July 31, 2023

Never allow someone’s presence make you absent from God’s presence! Always put God 1st in every area of your life, then everything else will line up or be added to your life. Remember, whatever (or whomever) you give the majority of your time & attention to, is what you deem as your source. #May God not be your main source, but your ONLY Source! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 30, 2023

satan will always pressure you to give up right before God sends your breakthrough. Know that when the pressure gets heavy & it seems like there’s no way, that means that God will show up at anytime. Know that satan is the father of lies, the author of confusion & the maker of deception. Don’t buy in to what satan is “trying to” sell you. Focus God promises, His character & who you are to Him. Remember, when it seems like all hope is gone, go on & move for God’s arrival! #Don’t give up! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 29, 2023

Be prayerful in the company you keep! While you’re reaching for the sky, someone may be reaching to keep you to the ground. Remember, if they’re not lifting you up, they’re keeping you down. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 28, 2023

Sometimes your trust issues with others will affect your trust issues with others & with God. Don’t allow what folks did to you or how they treated you make you feel like that’s a reflection of God Almighty. Listen! What folks said about you was not what God said or felt about you. Know that satan will use any type of rejection, abandonment or any other issues to cause you to build a wall to make you want to shut everybody (including God) out. Ask God to help you forgive them & yourself, heal you from any trust issues, teach you how to trust & who to trust & help you to no longer allow yourself to be used by folks. It is time to tear down the wall. Remember, those who broke your trust may had been the ones who never should have received it in the 1st place. #God is NOT like those who hurt you…. HE CAN BE TRUSTED! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 27, 2023

In accepting the ending of a relationship, stop trying to find the “old” you when you need to pursue the “new” you! The new you who is the healed you, the forgiven you, the you who learned from wrong decisions, the you of purpose, the you who won’t take yourself for granted or the you who will trust God more. Don’t delay your healing by living on the island of denial. Give God all the wreckage of your past & let Him detach you from the things or folks who are stopping your growth. Remember, though the process may bring tears, the progress will be worth it. #Disengage for the new age! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 26, 2023

How you think determines your perspective of life, people, yourself & your response. Feed your mind with what God says about it, then you’ll realize that regardless of what happens or what folks say, it won’t bother you. Remember, when you give your mind God’s treasure, it eliminates space for satan’s trash! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 25, 2023

Somebody needs to hear this!
God doesn’t need your help, you need His. If you want to stop being stressed or frustrated, stop trying to work on what only God can fix. Mind your business & stop trying to tell Him how to do His. #Father! Save me from me! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater


Daily Devotion for July 24, 2023

If you prayed about it, do you just sit & wait? NOOOO! You get up & prepare for its arrival. In St. John 2:1-11, Mary tells Jesus that they ran out of wine. When Jesus asked her, “What does that have to do with Him?”, Mary turned to the disciples & said, “Do what He tells you to do!”, then she walked off. After that, Jesus gave the disciples instructions so He could turn water into wine. When we have desires, we get so caught up on letting stuff discourage us or give up hope. No matter what it is, how long you’ve waited or how things turned out for others, you tell God & expect Him to answer occurring to His Will! Now, find out what His will is concerning that situation & hold fast to it! #Waiting ain’t sitting, it’s preparing. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 23, 2023

Sometimes satan (or our enemies) ain’t the one who’s blocking our blessings. It’s our own fears, unforgiveness, insecurities, self-hate, disbelief, lack of knowledge or lack of preparation. So, the next time you want to blame someone because you don’t have your desire, start with that person in our mirror. #Sometimes you have to rebuke yourself! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 22, 2023

Just because I saw it doesn’t mean I’m gonna acknowledge it. Never give your enemies (or their actions) the recognition when you’re performing on the stage of life. Don’t cause your response to make you miss your blessings. Do your job unto God & for your audience, then God will handle everything else. Remember, your enemies ain’t part of the act, so don’t give them any currency by paying them with your attention! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater