Month: December 2022

Daily Devotion for December 6, 2022

We need less Cancel Culture & more Counsel Culture! Instead of talking about folks or ignoring them, let’s sit down & talk with them. Remember that we are suppose to go out to spread the Word of God, not just do nothing. In other words, let’s get out of our comfort zone & teach those who are not like us or who feel unreachable. Some folks just never been taught or had someone to love them enough to take them under their wings & talk to them about life. Now, to do this, you MUST pray, discern & allow God to guide you into who He has chosen for you to mentor. Know, that just like God will send folks, satan has a list of folks that he may send to use you, hurt you or distract you from who God assignment to you. This is the time that “the church” get more involved into our neighborhood. Let’s not forget that God sent someone to you to help your crazy self get on Straight Street. Remember, that same saving grace that was extended to you, is extended to others. #Let’s get to work! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 5, 2022

When you stop being everybody else’s cosigner, then you won’t be in mental or emotional debt. Keep your account open only for you & allow everybody else to apply for their own account. Remember, use common sense & you’ll have more cents! #Emotional & Spiritual health is wealth! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 4, 2022

May God break the shackles off of you & the cycle you were use to. No longer feel like your life has to continue that downward spiral. Remember, He promised you an abundant life. Now receive it, enjoy it & obey it! In Jesus’ Name, Amen! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 3, 2022

You be responsible for your eyes to your destination & let God take care of the navigation to it! Follow the instructions of what He tells you & stop taking detours! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 2, 2022

If you want peace, you must identify who’s leading you into the war zone. Every shot at you may not be coming from your enemies. Remember, be careful of friendly fire! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 1, 2022

Let it go, so it could let you go! Stop holding on to hate & unforgiveness towards what happened. Giving forgiveness doesn’t mean you agree with what happened or that they deserve it, but you’re releasing the control over your life that the person or event has. Don’t try to do this alone or in your own abilities. God wants to help & heal you from all that you dealt with. Forgiveness is the 1st step to finally getting the joy & wholeness you looked for! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater