For those who are in toxic relationships!
Just because you have happy moments does not mean you have a happy (or healthy) relationship! Know your worth, but more importantly, know the type of relationship God has for you. The blessings of God maketh rich & adds no sorry (or drama), God is not the author of confusion, He who finds a wife finds a good thing & obtain favor from the Lord. There are many promises that God offers to show you the kind of love He has set for you. The one He has for you will reflect Him. But if the one you got is reflecting the devil, welllll, now you know who sent them. (OUCH!)! Forgive yourself of bad choices, consult God about your current or future relationships, wait on Him & do things His way. Remember, true love still exist, so seeks God for the love of your life! #Never settle again! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 1, 2022
Somebody needs to hear this!
Don’t you know that the closer you are to your blessings, the devil will play mind-games to make you question if you’re worth it, if you could handle it or bring anxiety to make you panic under pressure. Know that God wouldn’t give it to you if He didn’t think that He could trust you with it. Don’t overthink it! Just trust & obey what God told you, then it’s yours for keeps! #Worried for Nothing! #Winning the Battle in Your Mind! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater