Grief is like that scar you get after a major surgery. Although it may had been years since the surgery, the scar still remains. Just when you think that you’ve adjusted to the new “normal, one bad hit to that spot or a change of the weather flairs that pain right back up or bring back the memories when you were hurt. Sometimes it’s hard for folks to relate, especially when they don’t acknowledge your pain. You “try to” take it minute by minute or second by second hoping you can get through the day pain free. Regardless if it’s the loss of a loved one, relationship, friendship, etc., grief is grief & God can help us to deal with whatever loss we’ve experienced. He wants us to come to Him whenever we need Him & however many times we need Him. God promised to carry us when we feel to weak to make it. Know that God is the God of ALL Comfort & He cares about you as well as your hurt. Remember, God CARES about your SCARS! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 14, 2022
No matter how many folks you minister to or encourage in your audience, always save a seat for yourself! Remember, that good advice you give to others, is good enough for you too. #Preach to yourself! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 13, 2022
You may had been knocked down, but at least you weren’t knocked out! Don’t let the devil intimidate you. Get up & keep fighting. Remember, you are tougher than you think! #Victory is yours! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 12, 2022
Although your reality was worse than some folks’ nightmares, God still pulled you through. Don’t let what you’re facing get you to lose hope. That same God that delivered you from those past situations, will deliver you from this situation. Remember, it’s NOT gonna take you out, you’re gonna take it out… in Jesus’ Name, Amen! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 11, 2022
Fellas! Be the answer to a woman’s prayer, not the cause of it! Always be men of love, commitment, integrity, & Godly character. Remember, we’re suppose to be a blessing in a woman’s life, not a curse! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 10, 2022
Don’t lose your mind over a problem that ain’t yours. Since you gave it to God, it’s His problem, not yours! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 9, 2022
Somebody needs to hear this!
You’ve done for everybody else. Today, do something for yourself! And don’t feel guilty about it either. Shoots! If you don’t take care of you, them folks you always doing things for won’t. You need to let grown folks grow up & handle their own business. It’s funny you only hear from them when they want something & they call you because they know you won’t say, “No!” You’ll even give them your last. Well, (clearing my throat) don’t let them folks rush you to an early grave. Let them stand on their own 2 feet. They’ll be alright! Start today of making yourself a priority in your own life. #Self care is wealth care! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater