Somebody needs to hear this!
Regain your powers by saying, “NO!” You want folks to respect your boundaries, but you have to respect yours too. Be a good steward over what God had given you (Your money, your time, your work & your peace). Know that everybody who reaches out to you doesn’t need you. Some may want you because they know you hate (or don’t know how) to say, “NO!” Know that when you enable folks who can do it for themselves, you disable yourself within your own purpose or assignment. When you cut the cords of being folks’ puppet, you stop feeling so drained & you’ll be getting your life back. Remember, God won’t put more upon you than we’re able to bear, but you sure can. #Do better NOW! #You deserve it! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for June 16, 2022
The 1st 2 letters of GOALS are G.O.. The 1st 2 letters of GOD are G.O.. In pursuing your purpose, G.O. is your instruction, the GOAL is your destination & GOD is your director. Remember, if GOD ain’t in it, don’t be apart of it! #True success is when you’re obedient to God’s plan. #Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for June 15, 2022
When you give God your all, He’ll give you His ALL! Giving God your all shows God that you trust Him & giving Him the responsibility to take care of your needs & wants). Know that everything is always better in God’s hands (instead of yours)! Remember, Abel gave God his best. Meaning: You are Able to give God your best. #Disclaimer! The blessings God will give you MAY cause folks to hate you, become jealous or talk about you. That ain’t your problem, it’s theirs. You just praise God for the blessings & pray for the haters. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for June 14, 2022
For single folks!
Pray for your future mate & forgive your past mate. Remember, your heart can’t move forward when your emotions or mind is focused on who’s behind you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for June 13, 2022
Don’t let broke words from broken people break you!!! Let the knowledge of knowing who you are in Christ shield you from toxic words, actions or people. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for June 12, 2022
Somebody needs to hear this!
In going through, know that you are only GOING THROUGH! Remember, your pain is NOT your purpose, promise or final destination. You SHALL come out, in Jesus’ Name, Amen! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater