Evaluate the folks in your circle. Can you depend upon them as much as they depend upon you? Probably not! Sadly, some folks have friends (or even some family members) close to them not because they’re qualified or dependable, but because those people depend upon them & they allow their identity to be based upon helping folks. You are setting yourself up to be used or being Captain Savior for everybody else, except to yourself! Seek the counsel of God BEFORE you invite folks into your circle. Know that God already gave you your assignment, so STOP trying to add folks that God disapprove of. No longer live a life to please others when God gave you a life to please Him. If you take this advice to heart & obey it, you won’t be so drained when you deal with some folks who are close to you…. (Let me shut up)! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater