People who always pray for folks are often the ones who need prayers the most. Regardless of title or position, pray for and check on folks who cares for others! #Ministers need ministrying too! #Ask God to help them recieve it too! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for February 5, 2022
The book of your life never closes until your casket closes. God gave you the ink called breath, so KEEP WRITING until you’re out of ink! #God’s Purpose for your life! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for February 4, 2022
Due to the bad weather & road conditions, I decided to spend the night at work (in the jail cell). Some of my coworkers thought I was joking or just plain crazy, but I was very much prepared for some good night sleep. I had my pillow, thick blanket, my Superman pajamas on (with the white footies & the cape) & my wave cap (Hey! I know I’m bald headed, but I got hair in my dreams). I went to my bunk, went to sleep & woke up from having the best sleep I’ve had since 1976. When I walked out of my jail cell, my coworkers asked me, “How in the world could I sleep so good knowing where I was at?” I told them, “My desire for sleep was greater than the conditions of my environment!” In life, understand that your environment nor anyone else can NOT create your peace. You have to create your own peace. So often, we allow ourselves to get disappointed because we rely on others people to make us happy or feel good about ourselves. Know that God had made you with His character & nature. You were built to overcome & be victorious inspite of your conditions, but you have to do your part. Get prepared for your peace by: Obedience to God, forgiving others (as well as forgiving yourself), monitor what or who you listen to & stand clear of drama & foolishness. Regardless of your past failures, it’s not too late to ask God to help you now. Remember, your atmosphere won’t birth your peace, but your peace can birth or change your atmosphere. #The change around you comes from the change within you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for February 3, 2022
Let this cold weather remind you to give folks a warm heart. See, just because it’s cold doesn’t mean that you have to treat them cold. Remember, although they may get on your nerves or test you, God maybe sending them to bless you. #Be kind to everyone! You never know what folks went through, what they’re going through or why they came to you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for February 2, 2022
Somebody needs this now!
Don’t worry about it! Folks can’t hide or do dirt for too long. God will expose everything! You just stay obedient & keep your hands clean. Remember, God will fight for you! #Let the Lord handle it! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for February 1, 2022
During workouts, every successful athlete has a good spotter. The spotter is there to help carry the weights that’s too much for that athlete to hold, to make sure the athlete uses proper technique in exercising & to encourage the athlete when they feel like giving up. Sometimes life is like a workout & we all need a spotter in our lives that we can trust, to help us when things get heavy or when we feel like giving up. It may seem like you’re all alone or no one understands you, but God has certified “spotters” who can relate with us who can help us work this thing out. Don’t be embarrassed to use a spotter, because (at some point in our lives) WE ALL NEEDED ONE (sometimes, more than one). Know that you’re still that great athlete that is highly loved & respected. Soon, we’ll overcome the sweat, the pain & the tear & grow from it mentally, emotionally but more importantly spiritually! Remember, you can’t work out alone forever! #Can you spot me? Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater