There’s nothing wrong with telling God you just don’t understand. Stop trying to be politically correct & just talk to God about what’s on your heart. You may be surprised that He’s been waiting to have that conversation with you! #Daddy Talk with Our Heavenly Father is Important to Him Too! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 6, 2021
If you don’t use what God gave you, it’ll be buried with you. God gave you gifts & talents to be used, not hidden. Remember, a successful business is known by its distribution, not its inventory! Start today by emptying out the inventory God invested into your life. Remember, live out your business or your business will be buried with you. #Unmind Your Business & Grind Your Business! #What Will Your Legacy Be? Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 5, 2021
How long you’ve known somebody doesn’t mean that you really know them. Don’t be deceived or used by folks you barely even know just because you trying to be nice. Listen! Regardless if they are childhood folks, church folks or kinfolks, folks still must prove themselves to earn your trust. Monitor their morals, ethics & see how responsible they are. If they will mismanage or careless with their stuff, they will be the same with your stuff. Ask God to help you to be spiritually sensitive enough to recognize the heart of a person. Don’t let folks play with your emotions & run game over you. Remember, it ain’t the quantity that matter, it’s the quality! #Know Who You’re Dealing With! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 4, 2021
Jesus can fix you, when you realize you can’t! Remember, Jesus needs your obedience, not your assistance! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 2, 2021
That same God that took cared of the saints of old, can take care of you. Do you really know who you are to Him? Well, maybe because you don’t know who He is to you. See, all this time you’ve had this small, limited view of who God is & what He can do. Let this issue that you’re dealing with help you to see who God really is & what He can do. Remember, it’s not a coincidence that you’re dealing with THAT & you’re reading THIS! #Victory is Already Yours! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 1, 2021
When my assignment is finished on earth, I want you to cry because you’re going to miss me when I’m gone, not because of how you treated me when I was here! Losing someone is already hard enough, but when grief is overshadowed by guilt, it will consume your mind & life. You can’t change the past of what you didn’t do, but you can change what you do from now on. Don’t wait until someone dies to appreciate who they really are (& what they’ve done for you). They may had been the one to pray for you (when you were doing your thing) or help you in your time of trouble. Remember, start treating folks right when they’re here, you won’t feel so bad when they’re gone! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater