Month: March 2021

Daily Devotion for March 13, 2021

Life goals are meant to inspire you, not intimidate you. Don’t be afraid of growth or going forward. Remember, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! #If God Trusted You with It, He’ll Help You Achieve It! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for March 12, 2021

1 Samuel 16 Chapter tells the story of Samuel going to the house of Jesse to anoint the next king. Although Jesse had 8 sons, he showed Samuel each one of his 7 older sons. After observing each one from the oldest to the 7th one, Samuel heard the voice of God that none of them were qualified, but there was still one more son around. When Jesse was asked, he did state that the youngest boy (David) was tending to the sheep. After Jesse brought David forth, Samuel saw him & stated that HE WAS THE ONE! Although it was assumed that the oldest, biggest or strongest son would be the chosen one, but God chose the least likeliest son that eventually became the greatest king to lead His people. In life, you may feel discouraged because you’re always being overlooked or deliberately ignored at work, in church or within your family, but keep tending to your assignment. At the right time, God will send someone to get you from where He have you at. Just like how David was minding his own business, you got to do the same thing. Don’t worry about what folks do or say about you. Stay got to stay focused! Know that what you’re doing right now is setting you up for your future position. So, don’t think you’re doing it for nothing. Remember, while you’re tending to your sheep, you’re being groomed & watched over by the Good Shepherd! #No One Can Stop What God has for You! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for March 11, 2021

Sometimes God has to stretch you, pull you, elevate you, separate you, or even get you out of your comfort zone, to give you what He has for you. Remember, when you take the limits off of God, He has to take the limits off of you! #Expanded for Unlimited Capacity! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for March 10, 2021

Have you ever left home, then the thought came to you that you left the iron plugged up, the stove on or the front door unlocked? You end up panicking, calling the house or racing home only to find out that everything was ok. It seems like as soon as you’re focused on doing something important, stuff starts popping into your mind that ends up being wrong. Well, know that whenever you make up your mind to do what God is leading you to do, satan will bring up stuff to distract you from doing it. Regardless if it’s discouragement, insecurities, or your past mistakes, stay focused on the assignment & watch them you’re finished, those distractions will walk away. #Ignore False Alarms! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for March 9, 2021

Moses was a powerful leader, recieved the Ten Commandments from God & saw the Glory of God (personally), but Exodus 17:12-14, reminds you that when Moses’ arms were weak during battle, he received help from others to hold his arms up to maintain victory. In life, although you may hold a position of authority or leadership (such as a supervisor, pastor, parent, etc), it’s ok to admit or ask for help. Some folks are wearing themselves out trying to do everything by themselves instead of delegating responsibilities to others. Asking for help does NOT take away anything from you in your position of authority. Know that with very successful leader, there’s a team that he or she built to support or advise them within their position. Don’t let proud or the opinions of others prevent you from asking for help. Remember, sometimes it’s good just to take a step back to accept that same help that you would often give to others. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater