God dropped this in my spirit to tell you this:
The devil will use someone “supposedly” close to you to hurt you, BUT God will use someone far from you to bless you. Although it may hurt or be disappointing, don’t focus on what folks are doing because it’s only a distraction to make you miss what God is about to do. Remember, as long as you’re obedient to God, He is Your Source & Your Protection! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 8, 2020
Watch the folks who always ASK you about your “business”, because they’re the main ones who always TELL your business! Within the right opportunity, that current “friend” may become your future enemy! So, always discern a person or you’ll see who they REALLY are when it’s too late! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 7, 2020
May God interrupt your regular scheduled program to give you some late breaking news… HE’S WORKING IT OUT!! Remember, don’t focus on your problem. God can change the channel at any moment! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 6, 2020
Sometimes we’re too busy telling God about our problems, we can’t hear Him tell us the answers to our problems. Too much talking may get it off your chest but it doesn’t get it off your list. Pay close attention when God mouth opens, yours closes. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 5, 2020
Somebody needs to hear this!
You know that satan thinks he’s slick when someone experience a death of a loved one. He’ll bring the death, then cause families to fight or breakup, bring fear to cause you scare to get close to someone else (in fear of experiencing that pain of losing someone you love again), disrupt your sleep pattern or your concentration. Remember, satan is the author of confusion. He steals, kills & destroys. He’ll steal! Meaning he’ll uproot you from familiarity, your family, friends. He’ll kill! He’ll make you give up or abandoned your hopes, dreams, your identity, your purpose, even your desire to live or go on. He’ll destroy! He’ll try to eliminate your existence. When someone is grieving, it is not only important to pray for their broken heart, but pray for their mind as well. Know that satan is the father of every lie & we will NOT accept his crap anymore! Stand against the enemy’s attack now! No matter how far someone had fell off, God can reach them! Remember, no matter what satan offered, God has better & will carry you through this! #May The Prayers of Comfort be with Your Heart & Mind Right Now, in Jesus Christ Name, AMEN! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 4, 2020
If bowel movement stinks when it’s been holding food that’s been in your body for a few days, imagine how much your soul stinks when it’s been holding unforgiveness, anger or hurt inside you for years! Listen! Spraying perfume ain’t gonna hide what we smell coming from your pores. Let God regulate your heart & mind & flush that crap out of your system. You’ll feel so much better! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 3, 2020
The best advice you can use, is the one you give to others, but you’re ignoring for yourself! When you open your mouth, stop closing your ear when you have “A WORD” for folks! Start listening to what you tell folks about their problems, then God can work in your problem. Remember, listen to your own advice. OUCH! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 2, 2020
In the times when you were misunderstood or you felt ALONE, remember THE ONE who was always there (even when you didn’t know it)! He is there to carry you when you’re weak & comfort you when you’re hurt. Moments like these can make you want to give up, BUT His strength will make you keep pushing (even if you don’t know why). Don’t allow yourself to go into a deep hole. Remember, take ONE day at a time with THE ONE who’s ALWAYS there for you… JESUS CHRIST! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater